COVID in Oklahoma

In a recent study we did among Oklahomans, we asked a few questions about COVID-19 and how it was affecting their lives. One interesting find was that 51% of people in Oklahoma do not know anyone who has contracted COVID. With almost 50,000 cases in the state so far (with 35% of all cases being among people ages 18-35) this statistic was a little surprising to me!
Another big change that has happened since COVID and the start of quarantine – more people than ever are working from home. 38% of Oklahomans say they have worked from home at some point due to COVID and about 58% of those people are currently working from home. Over half of the people that have worked from home actually prefer working from home! 38% say they will be allowed to continue working from home in some capacity after things return to normal. That brings up a good question, how much longer until things start to get back to “normal?”
We were curious too and asked just that! We found that 37% of people think it will last for 12 months or more in Oklahoma. While it’s hard to imagine life continuing like this for that much longer, a lot of things have changed to help fight the spread of COVID. Just last month, a mandatory mask requirement was put in place for many cities in Oklahoma with the goal of reducing the number of new COVID cases.
Stay safe! Wear a mask and wash your hands!