It’s Conclusive – Our Favorite Season is Fall!

It’s the first week of fall y’all, and the Evolve team is thrilled for the approaching cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, pumpkins, football, sweater weather, and Thanksgiving!
We decided to give you all a little insight into the Evolve team. We each listed some of our favorite things about the season and even rated our favorite fall flavors.
The flavors of fall are among us.
Whether in your favorite beverage, dessert, fruit, or other delicious items, we can all say that our palettes vary from one individual to the next. We rated our flavor of choice from 10 – most favorite – 10 to 0 – least favorite. The popular fall flavors rated below include pumpkin, apple, maple, hazelnut, salted caramel, ginger, pear, chai.
If the Evolve team all had to agree on one option, it would be apple flavor. I think we’re drinking spiked apple cider at our next (virtual) happy hour.
Check out our infographic below to see what we love most about fall.
Are you looking for fun, socially-distanced, indoor and activities to do this fall? Check out TravelOK’s “50 Ways to Celebrate Fall in Oklahoma” here.
What is your favorite part of the fall or favorite activity? Drop us a comment below.