Some Oklahomans Don’t Think COVID-19 is a Big Deal

For most of us, COVID-19 has changed our lives in a major way. We aren’t going out as much, we’re not getting together with friends and a lot of us are working from home for the first time ever. However, 12% of Oklahomans say that they are doing things pretty much the way they have always done them. This somewhat baffled me. I wanted to see who these people were, so I did some digging.
22% of Oklahomans aged 25-34 say that they aren’t doing anything differently due to COVID-19. This is at least 10% more than any other age group!
16% of all males say that they aren’t doing anything differently compared to only 8% of females.
People who aren’t doing anything differently are not worried about getting sick.
These charts show that people who aren’t doing things differently are also more likely to think that the media’s coverage of COVID-19 is exaggerated and that the federal government is overreacting.
We can’t know for sure why these people aren’t following the protocols, all we can do is our part to flatten the curve.
Don’t forget to wash your hands, social distance and stay safe!