Research Innovations – Evolve & SAP

Like many agile agencies, we wholeheartedly embrace technology. Tech allows us to work faster, smarter, and stay ahead of the curve. Technology is the backbone of Evolve.
With all that said, it will be no surprise to learn that our quantitative research business has a strong technological foundation. Our clients judge our reputation by the quality of the data we gather and the insight we derive from it – and we have invested in a solution that allows us to execute the best possible online primary research.
Tomorrow, I get to speak at SAP’s OKC Innovation Day – a conference which highlights the use of SAP products in a wide range of business intelligence settings – about our online research technology.
I’ll be talking about how we use the Qualtrics platform at Evolve, and the critical role it plays in our insight-gathering efforts. To highlight the killer-features of Qualtrics, I’m using a couple of case studies – the real-time modular tracking study we use for the OERB and the oil and natural gas industry, and our behavior-based public health partnership we have with VI Marketing & Branding.
The specific Qualtrics-related material I’ll cover includes:
- Complex survey flow and survey logic to eliminate response-order bias
- Sample balancing and nested quotas
- The importance of a mobile-first design mentality
- Rapid ad hoc data analysis
- AI-driven survey design features
- The power of embedded data for segmentation and balance
I’m looking forward to unleashing my Inner (and Outer) Research Nerd with speakers from other companies, including Baker Hughes, SAP, OG&E, and Love’s.
The SAP Innovation Day is tomorrow, July 30th at the Devon Energy Center. There’s still time to register. If you can’t join me tomorrow but want to learn about our advanced online survey capabilities, then reach out, and I’ll come to see you.