Some Businesses are Thriving Right Now

In the past month, some businesses have been forced to close their doors for the last time while others are busy scrambling to hire more workers. Who are these people that are having to make adjustments for more work? Small businesses, mainly restaurants and local grocery stores.
According to Yelp, restaurants that were already specializing in take out and delivery options, such as pizza and chicken wing restaurants, are doing significantly better than those whose focus was dine-in. Unsurprisingly, delivery and take out are 350x more popular than they usually are. Obviously that’s a massive increase and it’s important to remember that restaurants aren’t allowed to have dine-in service during the lockdown.
Some grocery stores are even partnering with hotels to hire their laid-off staff to help with the influx of grocery sales. Over the last few weeks, buying locally-sourced fruits and vegetables has also seen an increase of over 100% in some places. These are amazing examples of communities coming together to support each other during this time of uncertainty.
Check out the Forbes and Yelp articles referenced for more information.