What are People Doing for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is this weekend and I wanted to see how people are celebrating the dads in their life this year! We did a similar blog post about Mother’s Day last month and you can check it out here if you missed it. We’re looking at the National Retail Federation again, just like with their Mother’s Day survey, they have been conducting a Father’s Day survey since 2003 and have a lot of cool data to look through!
The average expected spending is at a historical high of $174 per person and the top gifts that people are buying for fathers this year are greeting cards, clothing items, a special outing, and gift cards. The two most important reasons behind gift purchases are finding a unique gift or finding a gift that creates a special memory. These are the same top reasons behind people’s Mother’s Day gifts as well!
One thing I thought was particularly interesting is that men are more likely to be celebrating and on average are planning on spending more money on Father’s Day this year than women. Another aspect that factors into who is celebrating and how much they’ll be spending is age: younger people are planning on spending more on the holiday and are more likely to celebrate. This closely mirrors the data that we saw from the Mother’s Day survey. Take a look at the chart below to see the data broken down by age groups.
It’s pretty cool to see how everyone is celebrating Father’s Day this year! Click here if you want to take a deep dive into all the data.